Archive for September 1, 2011

Godspeed to Venus Williams

She was just diagnosed with Sjrogen’s disease, an auto-immune disease that my mother also suffers from. It is really debilitating, and I can understand why she’d want to drop out of the tournaments right now. Sjrogen’s attacks, primarily, your joints. Here’s wishing to the talented young lady – and all other sufferers from this disease – a journey filled with strength and support. You are not alone. is Live

The webspace for my game development endeavors, Kaali Billi Innovations, is live. Head on over there to read up on things of that nature. Stuff will be transferred. People will rejoice. Yay.

The Sims Social – Bug Report

This morning I got on The Sims Social, and I noticed that my llama investing quest had been set back two steps. I’m now again on the part where you have to Check Your Llama Investing Portfolio in two hours and have one hope. That’s the stage I was in yesterday at 5:00 pm. Why did this reset? What is going on?