Attention: You Are Not a Dime. You Are a Nickle and Some Pennies.


I happen to find this woman beautiful. You may not. That's okay.

I really don’t understand – well, I do, but for this rhetorical exercise, I don’t… I don’t understand why some women are always trying to be a hot, model chick, a dime piece, and a boss chicken, when they’re told flat out that they’re not. Their entire world goes down the shitter when reality kicks in, and someone in reality says to them, “Hey, Jane-Down-the-Lane. Sit your ass down”.

Should it matter?

The average woman is not a 36-24-36. She’s not six feet tall. She’s not a ten, a dime piece, whatever. She might be 5’4″ and pushing 170.

And there is nothing wrong with that. There are some women who cannot help but get upset that when in the grand scheme of things, they’re not going to be the woman that gets to cut the line at the club. They’re not Beyonce (though that’s also apparently subject) or Halle Berry. They’re Kelly or Michelle. Or Gabriel Union. They’re not going to be arm candy or a trophy wife, none of that. They want to hold onto the delusion that they’re the finest piece of ass walking down the sidewalk. They are constantly comparing themselves to other people, and they get defensive to the point of aggression when someone doesn’t recognize them the way they see themselves in their heads.


They’ll spend all this time and money trying to achieve a status that they will never get to. They’ll just end up be them.

I’m here to tell you right now:  that’s perfectly okay, as long as you remember to do you.

The thing about life is that you cannot be anyone else, so be the best you that you can be. Get as far as you can on your own merit. Love your hair; get extensions. Get braces, get a boob job, if it makes you happy. Accept and love yourself for you, because not everyone’s going to love you or think you’re pretty. You may get married someday, and you may not. You may end up fabulously rich and famous, or you may be a shift manager at McDonald’s. Life is not fair and equal. Not everyone was born hot and fabulous looking, or else some people wouldn’t be prettier than others.

Men are not required to want to jump in your draws, nor should you allow them to pay their way in there with unwarranted “gifts”, unless you fancy yourself to be a woman for hire. Your exterior will fade and change; you won’t look young and pretty anymore (unless you’re into botox). When all that fades, the only thing you’ll have constant is your TRUE self: your mind and your skills. If you let a man buy his way into your life, remember that you can and WILL be sold just as quickly when the new model year comes around, if you have no other substance to yourself. Quit trying to be a wannabe model; quit wasting your time on fleeting, meaningless flyaway dreams. There is more to you than that.

Do what you can to look and feel your prettiest, that’s great, but remember that there is more to you than your outside looks. If someone doesn’t think that you’re pretty, that’s on them. You’re not their type.

Big fucking deal. The world goes on.

You might not be a dime, but you’ve got something going on. Live your one life, and don’t hate on other people for being able to see their reality apart from your personal fiction. Don’t attack other people because they don’t agree with you being the hottest shit on the sidewalk. Just keep it moving.