Archive for July 27, 2011

Random Things

Hey guys. Sorry for not posting yesterday. I was involved in an accident yesterday where I was hit by a pickup truck in my company’s parking garage while walking. I am fine, docs say there’s no fractures or much going on, but I am home today because I’m honestly still in quite a bit of pain. Will spend the day cleaning up and doing pilates.

Couple things:

  • I want to write a piece about not having your desires sidetracked by your vagina. There’s a lot to it, and a lot of it is from my personal experience.
  • Been getting a lot of Rebekkah’s story written. :) Coming along really nice.
  • I might take the time today to braid my hair up after I start packing some more.
There’s other things that I want to write about but I’m a little out of it right now.