Archive for July 20, 2011

Thought of the Day

A woman insecure about her capabilities to provide for herself otherwise will defend to the death her right to be compensated for her beauty.

Paying for a “Boss Chick” Part 2: Why a Woman Shouldn’t Allow It

In the first part of this post, I addressed the notion of a man paying to maintain his “boss chick”. I used a metaphor of car ownership, and I think I’ll continue with that line of thinking. It’ s not pretty. It’s objectifying. But that’s what paying into the looks of a woman who you’re not permanently committed to is. On to part 2…

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Paying for a “Boss Chick” Part 1: Why a Man Shouldn’t Do It

I'm a boss chick. That means YOU have to pay for me to get my hurr done, nails done, everything did...!

There is a topic that has come up a few times now on a Facebook page that I read from, and I want to take a moment out to address it here, once and for all: the notion that if a man wants a “dime piece” hot chick, he has to pay for her upkeep, even if they aren’t married. I have two questions: why should he, and what relationship-seeking woman in her right mind would agree to this arrangement?

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