Daily Blog

Photo by Christine Majul

Hey there. Just stopping in to make a daily blog check-in or whatever. I still need to do some writing, transcribing, etc., things like that, but I have been unmotivated most of the day. Part of the day, though, I couldn’t even come into the living room where my computer is to do work without suffering a massive, debilitating headache.

It’s because I live on the second floor of a poorly insulated apartment complex, and my living room was so hot that it was giving me headaches. I’ve lived in this complex for the last three years, and this apartment for two years now. I don’t really have the means to move right now (I am in between jobs/assignments), and from what I understand, if I break the lease now I’ll end up paying for it until November anyway. The electricity bill gets pretty bad (around 100 + a month during the summer; sometimes over 200 in the winter) because of the insulation problems. I switched to Reliant Energy from First Choice Power a few months back and that’s made quite the difference, but still: this Texas heat is killing me.

I’ll be moving in November-ish anyway, maybe December just so that I’m not moving in the middle of the semester.

Let’s see, what else… There was the tidbit about me feeling like I’m suffering from some form of depression or other. That’s to be expanded upon, I guess, but I think a lot of it is due to me being largely unemployed and feeling isolated right now. I have a hard time doing cleaning tasks. I am thinking about shifting my sleeping schedule so that I’m more of a night person, working into the wee hours of the night. I seem to get more work done then and in the early morning hours anyway. That doesn’t help me a lot with Textbroker, though, because most of those articles are posted during standard 9 to 5 hours. It’s a bit irksome, but not something that I can’t deal with.

Kitty has become a lot more friendly with me. I’m not too sure if that’s because I’m rationing her food or because she genuinely likes me. I’m pretty sure it’s the former. It’s nice to have her come to see me and to hear her meow at me. She and Bandita are actually sitting on my lap as I type right now. The kittens are going to the humane society tomorrow though. :( I will miss them, but I can’t be like Debbie and keep 7 cats at hand. I’m already faced with the possibility of having to give Kitty back to Debbie when I move away. I can’t really be choosy about where I am staying now.

Trying to keep my professional focus together. I’ve been working on some documents/design treatments for some smartphone applications I’d like to develop. I need a programmer willing to work with me on them, though. I’m willing to split the profits 50%/50%. I’ve also gotten some oil painting done in the last few days, which is nice, because I haven’t in a long, long time. The portrait of my beau that I started a year ago might be nearing completion, and it looks a lot more finished. I also started a self portrait of myself today. I put it over another picture that I had worked on a year ago for my last painting course.

That’s about it for today, I guess. Don’t want to exhaust myself too much. I might go back and edit this and update it with more info later. :) Thanks for reading.

  • H. Joseph Davis

    You really have a talent for writing and you should continue to develope it more and more. I’m sure the distractions of your apartment situation are not helping much. I came across a video that that made me think of you. Here is it and hopefully it can provide more insight into your situation : http://www.pplonlinetools.com/video.php?uid=eq0gkg8icem6i4g8
    Stay well and be blessed in all you do!

  • H. Joseph Davis

    You really have a talent for writing and you should continue to develope it more and more. I’m sure the distractions of your apartment situation are not helping much. I came across a video that that made me think of you. Here is it and hopefully it can provide more insight into your situation : http://www.pplonlinetools.com/video.php?uid=eq0gkg8icem6i4g8
    Stay well and be blessed in all you do!