Archive for Life

Sunday Morning

I’ve been up for a few hours now. I can’t really get back to sleep. To pass the time I’ve been catching up with a dear friend on Facebook, made tea and coffee, and I have been playing Chuck the Sheep on Kongregate. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what an online friend and quasi mentor of mine, Lauryn, said to me when I asked her how she stays focused on her motives and ambitions as someone who works for herself. She said it’s about developing and following your systems. She said that once you get your systems down, and you just go with them, then everything should be good after that. However, if there are any flaws in your system, then it will be hard to keep things going smoothly.

I have been trying this last week or so to look at my routines, seeing where there are systems for getting things done and where there are not. It’s been a bit jarring at times. I worked one night on my system for dedicating time to my writing and transcription work. I had to stay up all night (while simultaneously making mini sweet potato pies for a competition I entered), but I got it done. I felt really great and accomplished. I’ll be honest: there are probably a lot of capitalization errors in the transcript. However, I got it done, and I spell checked it and everything.

Next go round, it will be more flawless. If I decide to go back that route, that is. I mean, to be honest, completely? That was 6 or 7 hours work for 22 dollars. Maybe I just have to get better at it, but damn. I’m not sure that that was worth that kind of dinero. Who knows.

Another thing I’ve been dealing with lately is being scared to spend money on anything. I need to spend money on things likes clothes and shoes, but then I rationalize that what I have is good enough. Then I think that my desire to wear clothes that befit my new station in an office is me being a bit over indulgent, and then I put things back, even when I’ve caught a good sale. I talked to my boyfriend about this last night, and he helped put my head on straight (one of the many reasons I adore him). If I need something to progress, I shouldn’t be worried about purchasing it. It is a need, just like food and gas for the car.

He’s really helped me to grow and develop.

I’m trying to get more connected to my online friends and resources like I was before. I miss them a lot. I’ve also connected back with some friends back home. There’s other things that have worried me, but I think having my e-support network has been really beneficial. I am desperately trying to move closer to Dallas (Irving is my target right now) so that I can get in more with other people who will share and fuel my love of games and game development, but I have several more months left on this lease. For now going to the anime club meetings has been nice. I really like the people that I met there.

Sorry. This blog is rambling, but I need to get these things out there. Hopefully there’ll be more, other things to come.

And randomly, I need to get a laptop. This thing is pro. :)

Freelancing! And things of that nature

I spent a chunk of time yesterday doing some really quick, SEO-style freelance writing assignments. Several of them have already been accepted by clients. I’m trying to generate some ideas for myself to write about so that I can post them to my Constant-Content profile… If you know anyone that’s in need of copy writing, send them my way. I can do a diverse range of topics, and I can get things punched out fairly quickly. I am doing rates of approximately two cents a word right now.

Still working on getting set up. Got the domain name purchased and the name servers setup. Wish me luck. I’m also peering into being a contracted person for the majority of my endeavors from this point out… Like the flexibility aspect a lot more. Will result in a lot of lifestyle changes like purchasing and budgeting in bulk, but it’s what I’ve slowly been working toward. Will involve piling up savings, chipping away at them, etc. I’m very excited. Working on the skills associated with that.

Personal stuff is gnawing at me. I’ve started back up my livejournal. That’s mostly the raw, ugly, horribly emotional stuff that rips me to shreds and that I can’t get out. I posted a note to Facebook, but I doubt anyone will read it or notice it. Ah well.

That’s it for today. :) Bai.

Things I’m Working On

This week, I completed the plot draft for my story about two of the reptile people in my novel universe. That was a real accomplishment for me. I had the basics of the story already down and written out, but I felt as if the story was landing flat. There was just boy meets girl, conflict, and then resolution. I went in and looked up a story plotting graph – because believe you me, it’s been quite some time since the last time I looked at one of those. I know how to write a story still, and I am pretty good with words, descriptions, and things like that, but I haven’t really written anything engaging in a long, long time. Thanks to the graph, I was able to add in some more events that will build the characters along with describing their world and their dilemmas. I’m really excited about that. Continue reading “Things I’m Working On” »

I Apologize for Not Being Tragic Enough

I wrote this last year on June 22, 2010. Apparently I was dealing with some of the same issues that I have struggled with recently. I do notice that my way of dealing with people has changed since that time.

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Paying for a “Boss Chick” Part 1: Why a Man Shouldn’t Do It

I'm a boss chick. That means YOU have to pay for me to get my hurr done, nails done, everything did...!

There is a topic that has come up a few times now on a Facebook page that I read from, and I want to take a moment out to address it here, once and for all: the notion that if a man wants a “dime piece” hot chick, he has to pay for her upkeep, even if they aren’t married. I have two questions: why should he, and what relationship-seeking woman in her right mind would agree to this arrangement?

Continue reading “Paying for a “Boss Chick” Part 1: Why a Man Shouldn’t Do It” »

Site Redesign and W3C Standards

Hey everybody. Like the last entry said, I am working on a redesign for my site. I apologize for any confusion it’s caused to any of you. It seems like I haven’t designed a website in forever – part of it is due to a fear of rejection and things of the sort. I have been learning, though, that my failures are not failures of person, and that they are moreover resultant of a few things:

  1. I have not been improving my web design skills and studying to keep up with the current technologies. My colleagues have been teaching me a lot about this and the importance of not only being good at something, but continuing to improve yourself and your skills. You can be good and average, but in a field like technology where things are always updating, you have to update yourself, too.
  2. I have been resistant to include ideas outside of my own. I have had a petri dish that is Tearyne and nothing else, and I thought it was good enough. People being amazed by my work was enough, so why did I have to get better? When I have been exposed to other ideas and compared to other service providers, inevitably, those who have shown a willingness to learn and grow have beaten me out. That is the nature of this, and if I want to stay viable, I have to be willing to compete.

This all said, I am finally getting around to learning and incorporating W3C design standards into my work. I feel like since I haven’t really designed or coded anything much in the last year, I’ve gotten rusty, but I’m betting that it’s a lot like riding a bike again after a long time; I just have to get back into the swing of things.

I’m hoping to have the new site up by the beginning of August.

Google+: Google’s Response Facebook (and its Problems)

Google has unleashed its social networking response to Facebook, named Google+. Apparently this has been in the works for awhile, and while just about everyone is going to start drawing comparisons between Google+ and Facebook, there’s a fundamental reason why they’re different: their focus.

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I don’t really know what to write about. Been experimenting with Google+. Wrote an opinion piece. Might post that. Probably won’t get sold.

Daily Blog

Photo by Christine Majul

Hey there. Just stopping in to make a daily blog check-in or whatever. I still need to do some writing, transcribing, etc., things like that, but I have been unmotivated most of the day. Part of the day, though, I couldn’t even come into the living room where my computer is to do work without suffering a massive, debilitating headache.

Continue reading “Daily Blog” »

Now Blogging/Journaling is Made Much Easier

I’ve hooked up this blog with the Networked Blogs option/Facebook plug-in. Now I won’t have to be doing the back and forth anymore. Wooha.