Archive for Writing

Things I’m Working On

This week, I completed the plot draft for my story about two of the reptile people in my novel universe. That was a real accomplishment for me. I had the basics of the story already down and written out, but I felt as if the story was landing flat. There was just boy meets girl, conflict, and then resolution. I went in and looked up a story plotting graph – because believe you me, it’s been quite some time since the last time I looked at one of those. I know how to write a story still, and I am pretty good with words, descriptions, and things like that, but I haven’t really written anything engaging in a long, long time. Thanks to the graph, I was able to add in some more events that will build the characters along with describing their world and their dilemmas. I’m really excited about that. Continue reading “Things I’m Working On” »

Super Exhausted, But Still Writing

Yesterday was not a good day. Heck, the entire weekend was kind of a pain, but thankfully, the week is here. I have stuff to distract me from day-to-day life and goals to work toward. I am trying to save up around 225 dollars for a Wacom Bamboo tablet and a student version of Flash CS5 so that I can start to doing art and stuff for game development ideas that I have. This should be exciting and it’s nice to have something to spur me toward.

I am working on Dusk – Rebekkah today. I haven’t written on it in about a week now. I’d like to have something prepared for Thursday to share with my friends that are into reading my stuff. They are really supportive of me and I appreciate their feedback; my best friend Jessi is really the muse, I think. She’s who I write for.

Anyway, as far as what is being written this week: I need to take Rebekkah from being terrified at the party to being chosen as an assistant. I already have the beginning and end done; now just to get to scratching out the middle. Wish me luck!

Foreign Crises and Aid

Update February 28, 2012: This article was awarded a bronze prize by Viewshound on August 5, 2011. It was published under the title “Sorry Somalia: A Logical Look at Foreign Aid”.

Today TheGrio posted an article to their website asking if the starvation of people in Somalia was getting enough news coverage. I think it’s getting enough, if not too much. I know that as a nation, the United States is probably better off than the vast majority of people in the world. I know too, though, that there are people who live down the street from me that are suffering. Those people are my focus first and foremost.

Continue reading “Foreign Crises and Aid” »

Comic Book Racism in X-Men First Class? Not So Much…

I have a bone to pick with News One right now, about an article TheGrio featured where they turn X-Men First Class into a piece of “comic book racism”. It’s pretty clear from the article that they have never read the comics, and that they are probably basing their assumptions off of the movie universe of X-Men. If not, they need to fire their resident fanboy. For those of you who have not seen the film or are not familiar with the X-Men Universe, you may want to skip over certain spots in here. I’ll try to keep as many spoilers out as possible, but we need to cover the bases. Continue reading “Comic Book Racism in X-Men First Class? Not So Much…” »