Super Exhausted, But Still Writing

Yesterday was not a good day. Heck, the entire weekend was kind of a pain, but thankfully, the week is here. I have stuff to distract me from day-to-day life and goals to work toward. I am trying to save up around 225 dollars for a Wacom Bamboo tablet and a student version of Flash CS5 so that I can start to doing art and stuff for game development ideas that I have. This should be exciting and it’s nice to have something to spur me toward.

I am working on Dusk – Rebekkah today. I haven’t written on it in about a week now. I’d like to have something prepared for Thursday to share with my friends that are into reading my stuff. They are really supportive of me and I appreciate their feedback; my best friend Jessi is really the muse, I think. She’s who I write for.

Anyway, as far as what is being written this week: I need to take Rebekkah from being terrified at the party to being chosen as an assistant. I already have the beginning and end done; now just to get to scratching out the middle. Wish me luck!