Archive for February 3, 2012

Working on my Niche Blogs

Today is a down day for me, but I’m not allowing myself to slip down. I’m working on my first niche blog today, and I’ve done some working out to get my adrenaline going. I also have a pretty sizeable transcription gig to work on. Go me, go! Listening to Fly Away from Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt.

Content Mills Are Dead

Yes, you probably already know about this.

However, I stopped writing for a few of these places over the summer because I had other Important Things going on. I’m just now returning to places like Breakstudios (which I didn’t really like as much ultimately anyway) and other sites that I used to write quick articles for, and I’m seeing that they’re virtual ghost towns. This is, of course, related to last summer’s Google Panda update.

I can’t say that I miss one of them – most of the articles were badly named in the name of getting more search hits and I had to include words inorganically just to generate more hits at times. However, it kind of bites that the other ones have lowered amounts left to write.

Things change, though. We’ll get through this. Time to go work on my other projects during this three day weekend. Laundry is in the dryer.