Tag Archive for writing

The Way I Write

WARNING. This is a quick ramble. I want to get this out here and cataloged so I can see it later.

When I write, I get very caught up in imagery from music. I just discovered “High Hopes in Velvet Ropes”, by The Cab, and it personifies one of my characters, Tethys, perfectly. But I’m a very situational, dialogue driven writer. Right now I’m writing out the scene based on just the dialogue alone. THis is my writing exercise for tonight. This is how I’ve always been organized, I think. I write and then expand outward. I started out doing my serious writing through doing screenplays of what my little TV series was going to be for one of my concepts. Then I started to branch out into fanfiction with more prose.

I’m going to go back to writing, but I really wanted to try and get that out there. Will be working on some Matters of the Heart stuff tonight, and then finalizing some plans for an event I’m trying to throw for Halloween/

Content Mills Are Dead

Yes, you probably already know about this.

However, I stopped writing for a few of these places over the summer because I had other Important Things going on. I’m just now returning to places like Breakstudios (which I didn’t really like as much ultimately anyway) and other sites that I used to write quick articles for, and I’m seeing that they’re virtual ghost towns. This is, of course, related to last summer’s Google Panda update.

I can’t say that I miss one of them – most of the articles were badly named in the name of getting more search hits and I had to include words inorganically just to generate more hits at times. However, it kind of bites that the other ones have lowered amounts left to write.

Things change, though. We’ll get through this. Time to go work on my other projects during this three day weekend. Laundry is in the dryer.

Update for 9-8-2011

Today is one of those days where I feel exceedingly overwhelmed. There is some sadness mixed in there, too. However, tomorrow is my last day at this assignment. I’m still a little mixed up in my mind about what direction it is that I want to take things. I know that there are areas that I am strong in now, and that there’s areas that I’ll need help in. I’ve already gotten some ideas together for my blog endeavors…

Man. Hopefully my brain rights itself soon. This murky, cloud-over-the-head feeling is not fun. :(


Last night I wrote the most difficult scene of /Matters of the Heart/. I started it out thinking that it’d be pretty simple, but when I got into it, I was shaking and almost cried a little. I don’t think I really realized, grasped, how horrifying and terror-filled something like this would be. I kind of feel bad for putting Rebekkah through this… It came out pretty decent, but I know that I’m going to fine tune the hell out of it. I think I want to work on some of the lighter scenes for awhile…