Tag Archive for dialogue

The Way I Write

WARNING. This is a quick ramble. I want to get this out here and cataloged so I can see it later.

When I write, I get very caught up in imagery from music. I just discovered “High Hopes in Velvet Ropes”, by The Cab, and it personifies one of my characters, Tethys, perfectly. But I’m a very situational, dialogue driven writer. Right now I’m writing out the scene based on just the dialogue alone. THis is my writing exercise for tonight. This is how I’ve always been organized, I think. I write and then expand outward. I started out doing my serious writing through doing screenplays of what my little TV series was going to be for one of my concepts. Then I started to branch out into fanfiction with more prose.

I’m going to go back to writing, but I really wanted to try and get that out there. Will be working on some Matters of the Heart stuff tonight, and then finalizing some plans for an event I’m trying to throw for Halloween/


There was rain today.

I saw it on the way in to the tents as I was ushered in, with people trying to hold umbrellas over my head to keep the moisture out; it wouldn’t do much good. The entire world seemed muggy and hazy this afternoon. Was would not be the correct word, though, because it is still raining, even now. I cannot see it falling, from my position in the backstage area, but I can hear it, and I can still smell it. The smell of sweets and spices from the surrounding marketplaces have been drowned out by that of warm, wet earth and fresh water as it falls from the sky. I can still hear people’s reaction to it as well. Workers are running in and out of the area outside of my door, yelling directions and orders at one another. Grab the line, don’t let the costumes get wet. Move this over a few feet, what in the Goddess’ name are you doing? On and on bark the calls, echoing down the halls to where I am now. Cast and crew alike are left wondering when the rain will let up.

Wondering if the rain will ever let up.

There is supposed to be a show today, but I’m not entirely certain that people will come now that the weather has gotten bad. No one is.

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